Thursday, August 9, 2007

I Live Here!

Well, after picking up my life and transplanting it 4 states away (in a matter of 10 days!) I am finally starting to feel somewhat "settled." One of my hopes upon moving out here was to begin a blog. I currently have a few favorites that I read regularly, and since I enjoy thinking and writing, I thought it would be a fun way to stay connected to people via the internet. (Hint: please comment on entries!) I'm not really sure if anyone but my mom will read this, but my "potential" cyber-audience adds some purpose to thoughts flitting through my mind! So, off I go... every morning when I walk out and look at the beautiful mountains I have the pleasure of reminding myself "No, I am not on vacation.... I live here!"


Leslie Jo said...

Colorado is my favorite state, you will love living there! Good luck with the school year.

Anonymous said...

Yes, your mother did read your blog. I was jealous when I saw the beautiful view from your porch. I am so proud of you and loved the analogy of adjustments. I relate so much to this as I am adjusting to a new job this fall too. Everyday is a new adventure. We will share it across the miles via the Blog and the Cell.
P.S. I do believe others will read your blog-not just your MOM!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your blog! I can't wait to come and visit. I can tell by reading your blog that you are very happy and have found a perfect fit!
I miss you, Kristen