Thursday, August 9, 2007


The other morning, as I was running along the trail, just steps away from my front door, it occureed to me how often we must make adjustments or risk setbacks. As I was huffing and puffing along the trail wondering why running seemed much more difficult out here, I reminded myself (again) that the air is thinner and my body needs to adjust to the altitude difference. But, of course the competative/obsessive/whatever you want to call it -side of me, insisted that I was just not working hard enough. After a strenusous internal battle I "allowed" myself to ease into a very slow jog.... adjusting to meet my needs in this new environment. I could not help but think how often this happens in my classroom at school. I enter into each day with great expectations, but often need to slow down, shift gears, and adjust to meet student needs in the classroom environment. Sometimes the whole class, other times just one student. Regardless, if I don't adjust my plan to the student/class needs it will certainly result in disaster (similar to keeling over on the side of the running trail!). It was also important for me to realize I did not throw out the ultimate goal- just adjusted it for the time being.

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